7th European Congress on 3D Printing & Additive Manufacturing
Event on: November | 07-08 | 2022
Millennium Hotel Paris Charles De Gaulle, Paris, France
Tissue and Organ failure is due to by aging, illness, accidents, and birth defects. The extant treatment for these failures is replacement from a living Organ/Tissue Donor. Three-Dimensional Printing, or stereo lithography, is the way toward keeping resources in layers to shape 3D objects. Developments in this technology, together with biomaterials, will permit a patient's own cells to be used to build replacement tissues and organs for those in need. The ordinary process for bio printing 3D tissues and organs includes: Imaging, Design approach, Material/Cell determination, Printing, and Application. Imaging of the earth of the injured tissue is useful in the outline procedure, and includes the utilization of X-ray, CT scan, and MRI imaging. Minitissues are the smallest auxiliary and functional components of a tissue, similar to a kidney nephron.
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